Eric Dusel

Eric Dusel

M.S. Alumnus, Toyota Research Institute

Northeastern University

Eric Dusel is a master’s student studying robotics with a concentration in computer science and a Gordon Institute for Engineering Leadership candidate. His primary research focus is in shared autonomous reach augmentation which involves the development of a platform for a human operator to intuitively control an assistive robotic manipulator, or a.r.m, through sparse high-level commands. The system determines the goal from the input and autonomously plans and executes the task for the user.

Fun fact: Eric created a website for fantasy football nerds to give and get advice.

  • Assistive robotics
  • Computer vision
  • Human-robot collaboration
  • Motion planning
  • Trajectory optimization
  • M.S. - Robotics (Computer Science), Gordon Institute for Engineering Leadership Candidate

    Northeastern University

  • B.S. - Electrical and Computer Engineering, Minor in Mechanical Engineering

    Northeastern University
